Routine Eye Exams

If you can’t remember the last time you visited an eye doctor, it’s time to make an appointment. Don’t wait until your vision starts to fade to seek care. Stay on top of your eye health by scheduling a routine eye exam with Dr. Arora. After all, your eyes deserve the best.

What Is a Routine Eye Exam?

A routine eye exam near Scottsdale involves a thorough inspection of both eyes to check your vision, screen for diseases, and provide necessary updates to any vision prescriptions. We ask that you bring your medical history, family history, and a list of current medications to the appointment. If you wear prescription glasses or contacts, bring those with you as well.

The average eye exam takes thirty minutes to one hour to complete, although this can vary between patients. A comprehensive eye exam also involves dilation, which enlarges the pupils to help us see your eyes more clearly. A vision specialist will perform a series of tests during the exam based on your age, medical history, and family history. At the end of the eye exam, the vision specialist will sit down with you to discuss the results and address any questions you have.

Potential Eye Tests

Glasses Icon

Pupillary reaction test

Visual Acuity

Visual acuity test


Retinal exam

Eye Movement

Eye muscle movement test

Slit Lamp

Slit-lamp test


Glaucoma check

Field Test

Visual field test

The Importance of Routine Eye Exams

Scottsdale routine eye exams are essential to maintaining your overall vision health. This form of preventative care enables our team to achieve the following goals:

Book an Eye Exam in Scottsdale

Dr. Arora and his team of vision specialists are proud to serve patients in Scottsdale and surrounding areas with top-notch vision services. As Scottsdale’s leading vision screening provider, Arora Eye has the eye care you can trust. Click the button below to schedule your routine eye exam.