Cataract Treatment in Scottsdale, AZ

Cataracts is an age-related vision condition that causes the eye’s clear lens to become clouded. This gradual clouding not only makes daily tasks—like driving and reading—more difficult to complete but can also cause permanent vision loss if left untreated. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Arora today to protect your vision.

What Is Cataract Treatment?

When it comes to cataracts, prevention is key. That’s why we encourage patients to schedule an annual eye exam at Arora Eye. This comprehensive eye exam enables our vision specialists to:

Prescription glasses and contacts can also help prevent further vision loss due to cataracts. If you suspect that you have cataracts, our team will assess your needs and see if you qualify for nonsurgical treatment. If your cataracts aren’t diagnosed until the later stages when vision loss is significant, surgery might be the best option.

Cataract Symptoms

Cataracts are frequently confused with dry eyes, glaucoma, and other vision conditions, but they are a unique type of vision loss. Unlike other common eye conditions, cataracts tend to cause a painless, gradual change in vision. If you have a cataract, you might have a cloudy or white eye and may notice the following symptoms:

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Cloudy or blurred vision

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Discomfort around bright light

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Colors that appear faded

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Difficulty seeing in dim light

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Double vision

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Halos around lights

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Dry eyes

Cataract Specialist

While these symptoms can seem troubling, cataract-related vision loss is almost always reversible. Whether the answer is cataract surgery or another technique, the Arora Eye team will help you find the best treatment for your eyes.

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Reverse Cataracts With Cataract Surgery

If your cataracts have developed into the later stages, we recommend corrective surgery. Surgery removes the cataract by replacing the clouded lens with a clear, artificial lens. Depending on your specific vision needs, our team will recommend one of the following surgical treatments:

Phacoemulsification Surgery

During this procedure, Dr. Arora uses either ultrasound waves or a laser to separate the clouded cataract. He then suctions out the fragments through a small hole in the eye and inserts an artificial lens. This minimally-invasive approach is ideal for patients with mild cataracts.

Extracapsular Cataract Surgery

Extracapsular cataract surgery involves removing the lens in one piece through a larger hole and replacing it with a new, artificial lens to provide clearer vision.

SMILE surgery

Determining Cataract Candidacy

Most patients with cataracts qualify for cataract surgery. As long as your case has progressed enough to impact your ability to complete daily tasks, you can undergo cataract surgery. If you have further questions about whether you’re a good candidate, schedule a consultation with Dr. Arora.

What to Expect After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a quick, minimally-invasive procedure with a short recovery time. You might experience slight itching, blurring, or light sensitivity for two to three days after surgery. It takes eight weeks for your eyes to heal fully and for results to become apparent. Take it easy during your recovery to avoid straining or injuring your eyes. Dr. Arora might also recommend medicated eye drops to reduce infection risks and ensure a smooth recovery.

Scottsdale’s #1 Cataract Specialist

Do you want to prevent your eyes from developing cataracts? Start by scheduling a comprehensive eye exam at Arora Eye. Dr. Arora will examine your eyes closely to look for early signs of this vision condition. If any signs of cataracts are detected, Dr. Arora will walk you through your treatment options and develop a customized plan.